SmokinJoe77 Member


  • This is right on track where I was heading on my own (before I got sidetracked with the good, bad and ugly of nutrition). In a few years, my diet will be primarily fish/seafood and vegetables because I am relocating to an environment in which this will be my sustainable food source. Chicken will be an occasional treat. As…
  • So, this thread has made my gets heated really quick on both sides of the fence. Good conversation, thanks everyone. I do need to seriously look at my protein intake, but think I'll do as many suggested and go at it from the diversity approach. Fish, chicken, pork, tofu, seitan, lentils, and whatever else I can…
  • LOL - I agree about it being crazy paranoid. Though, it's what's going on in the world today. Thanks for the feedback - I'm going to swing by Whole Foods on my way home and see if I can find Hemp Tofu. I bet it's got more protein in it (hemp seed is pretty high protein too).
  • Listen to your body. That goes for eating when you're hungry as well as stopping when you're full. Any time I try to force an extra pound of loss by limiting my intake of calories (My "allowance is 1430 and I have tried to go only 1200), I don't see any significant benefit from it. I started my weight loss journey in…
  • Welcome Robert! This is my second time around with MFP with great results both times. I wish you luck in achieving and maintaining your goals.
  • LOL - Spoken like a true distributor. That's exactly how the products made me feel, but I just can't justify the "annual cost". I am in my mid-late 30's and have recently lost over 30 pounds on diet and exercise alone and am on track to lose my final 27 pounds by mid May. I believe the Advocare products work as intended,…
  • It sounds kinda snarky, but "willpower" and a workout buddy. Seriously though, I want to weigh 200lbs which is less than I weighed as a senior in high school. I now have someone who enjoys working out and will go to the gym with me and eat healthy. It was very difficult for me to get anywhere and sustain my momentum when…
  • Thanks, Apeacefulway, I'm glad you found some use in my comment. Brianna716 is absolutely correct. 6 mph is MY pace that I can maintain without feeling like I'm going to black out. Taking into consideration that I am 6'2", that's really just a jog for me. Thanks for the good wishes and right back at ya! :)
  • Lose to your target weight first then focus on building bulk. Losing weight will give you a step 1 goal and you'll see results quicker in that area giving you motivation to keep going. Do weight loss weight training as well as cardio. I (re)started in January and have lost 18 lbs so far this year. Building bulk is…
  • In my opinion (and this is TOTALLY my opinion) "morbidly obese" are the folks who ride those motorized carts in Wal-Mart for the sole reason of being too large to comfortably shop under their own locomotion. They would not be training for a 5K. I doubt that's you...but again, that's my opinion. I am an IT guy - I sit in…
  • I used to be a distributor and learned that was not my cup of tea. I did, however, like the products. They seem to do what they say. I still use catalyst when I can get a good deal on it because it seems to help me not be so sore after a workout. I like spark (orange was the only flavor when I had it last) because it…