

  • You did so well Tracey with slimming world but, like me, it's too eays to lose your mojo with it. I'm sure you'll get down to your 12 stone mark, especially with all of the exercise you do. We should maybe do some exercise together once a week, spur each other on?
  • Thanks Ladies, it's much appreciated. I think you might be on to something with this 1 treat a day business you know. I'm starting off with meal replacement shakes see how I get on with those as my biggest problem is not feeling full from eating the good stuff. So my plan is to start off with that, lose some weight then…
  • I know I should set a date but I put too much pressure on myself and if I haven't achieved what I wanted to by a set time then I give it. Deciding to do it at my own pace this time so that it comes off and stays off!
  • I it makes you feel any better my work colleagues look at me like I;ve got two heads when I tell them I don't drink in the week or at the weekend unless we drink socially with friends. So many people say they "need" a drink after work but the thought of needing alcohol scares me and as I've got an alcoholic mother, I'll…