kgsprenger Member


  • Bump:smile:
  • Homemade lasagna for me too! And apple crisp made from apples close to going bad. A treat after mowing the lawn.
  • Day 16 done- day 6 of level 2. I am doing so much better as I go along. I've also been running every other day and my times have improved greatly. I'm not sure if the 2 are related, but it sure hasn't hurt. My body feels different too. I'm kinda proud of myself. :smile:
  • Did my weekly weigh-in and measuring and only lost .2 of a pound, but I lost 1 inch from my waist! An inch! Wahoo!
  • Well, I didn't realize you were supposed to wait until day 10 to do level 2 and did it today, my day 7. I also did level 2 because I had such a bad diet day (tuna melt and ice cream!) and I didn't do any other exercise today. It was tough. Lots of plank involved. I think I'll go back to level 1 tomorrow and do level 2 on…
  • Day 4 completed today. Oh my abs! Its only 3 minutes of abs work, but oh my goodness! Hoping day 5 is better.
  • I did the first day earlier today from youtube. It was a pain because youtube kept farting out on me. So, I'm going to the store this evening to get the video. Its perfect timing because I'm a teacher and summer vacation is just starting! Motivation! One question- I've been running 2 or 3 times a week. Is doing both ok or…
  • My family loves tacos for dinner. So, one of my favorite lunches is to take some of the leftovers in for lunch the next day as a salad. In a tupperware: Leftover 93% ground beef Shredded cheese Baby spinach In a separate little container: salsa and lite sour cream. Total of 275 calories Sometimes I splurge and bring a…
  • I like to use leftover steak in my salad. It makes me feel terribly indulgent. Spinach Left over steak Carrots Mushroom A string cheese stick cut up Whatever dressing I have at the time Just a few bites of the steak makes the salad for me. Although, leftovers in general are good for salads I find.
  • A pear, which was quite a challenge since I had to reach past my kids Easter candy to get to it. :tongue:
  • Trying out the Biggest Loser cookbook I've had for a year or two but never used. I made the sweet and sour chicken with brown rice and green beans. Both grown ups and kids liked it!
  • Yup, I've had this happen. My trick: deodarant on both thighs. Then, they just slide...