anubis609 Member


  • To answer your questions: 1. Progressive overload applies to all of those: increased reps/sets/weights; improved form/speed/technique, etc. So they're all useful to one degree or another. 2. People usually advance quickly in the beginning and tends to reduce as time goes on. It becomes apparent when strength potential and…
  • This is the only situation where you will have to legitimately count carbohydrate grams per meal and focus on natural sources of carbs that have fiber, just to control your blood sugar. If you're overfat, focus on a calorie deficit with a hard priority on protein and reduced carbs. The better food choices are going to come…
  • Ketosis requires the absence or restriction of carbs. Full stop. Please do not gorge on fat. It does not enhance or accelerate ketosis. If high amounts of fat are making you feel unwell, reduce your fat intake and increase your protein intake. For example, a thick cut of steak may be around 75g protein and 60g fat. That's…
  • More importantly, you should be calculating the calories and how it fits in an overall calorie deficit, but the equation is total carbs - (fiber + sugar alcohol) = net carbs.
  • What happens when the challenge is done? Are there guidelines for what to eat long-term?
  • Enjoy your vacation. It's fine to be mindful of what you eat, but you don't need to stress about exact calorie counts unless you're planning to model for Disney or something that requires your physique to be at its peak. Fat loss is easy, and for the average person, vacations are far and few between compared against the…
  • One way to mentally adapt to social gatherings is if you know ahead of time that you'll be partaking in alcohol and food, is to allow the extra calories for that day. Not that you need to go into a deficit days prior or after, especially if you're in a bulk, but you do need to accept that there will be some fat gain in any…
  • Not sure what your definition of efficiency is, but the bioavailability of protein is going to be greater with meat based sources, since you get all the essential amino acids from meat. With plants you would need to eat a wider variety just to meet the required essential aminos. Regardless of the source, you want to aim…
  • Aside from previously mentioned inaccurate body fat measurements, weight loss does not equal fat loss. Yes, fat loss does occur, but lean mass and water loss do too. It's quite easy to lose *weight* when you restrict calories and minimize protein. Protein breakdown is constant in the body, so without anything to maintain…
  • It's simple. You're eating more than you think. You may not want to track weekend food, but it results in mysteriously slow fat gain.
  • I'm wondering what was your normal diet consisting of prior to these diet challenges? The squeaky clean diet just sounds like food based on nutrient density; which ideally should be about 80% of anyone's diet (because 100% "clean eating" is actually boring), regardless of macro composition, even more so if fat loss is the…
  • My pleasure. I tend to be a spoiler.
  • I'm drinking my dinner and snorting my dessert, then off to make a mSoEviXe about working out.
  • "Significant mass" comes from a calorie surplus coupled with long-term strength training and progressive overload. This is not accounting for aesthetics. If your goal is to get big and strong (like a powerlifter), lift heavy and eat like you lift heavy. If you want to have visibly appreciable muscle definition, you will…
  • Gift it to a vegan and drink (lactose free) milk instead.
  • No one. They all got banned.
  • If it's not medically suggested, then pick a weight you think feels good, then adjust accordingly as you approach it, or if you've already achieved it. I personally choose to aim for a visual body fat percentage where I think I look good naked.
  • Psychological satisfaction and physiological satiety from food are different, no doubt. You could take advantage of the situation by adopting modified food choices for fat loss that keep you full, even if you don't feel satisfaction, and just carry on until you regain some satisfaction after not having tasty foods for a…
  • Not sure what cravings for food you are referring to, but that is a normal process that diminishes with long-term consistency in other food choices. Absolutely restricting certain foods may cause different outcomes in different people, resulting in either caving in to a full on binge, or no longer having a taste for them,…
  • Tastebuds, much like everything else in the body, takes time to adjust to new stimuli. If you've recently quit, then it will take time for your sense of smell and taste to readjust. On the other hand, there is also a psychological component to associating smoking with daily routine; i.e. eating, coffee, driving, poop, sex,…
  • "Low carb" is a vague term implying that it is lower than the standard diet, and if using a 2000kcal model, where the standard recommendation is about 65% carbs, then that is about 325g of carbs. Anything less would be considered low, but for the sake of math, assume 1/2 is considered "low" so about 162.5g carbs. "Keto" is…
  • I think you're misunderstanding the concept of muscle development and actual bulking. You can gain muscle at any size, especially if you're untrained. If you're overfat and untrained (or previously trained coming back after a layoff or on performance enhancing drugs), you have the advantage of being able to gain muscle and…
  • As long as you found a diet that you can adhere to for long term and keep your physique/health in line, then congrats!
  • Then stay the course. Fat loss is easy as long as you're consistent. Losing it fast isn't very meaningful if you don't know how to keep it off. Focus on the quality of your diet (doesn't matter if it's keto or standard diet) and your activity levels, and use this time to practice patience. The number on the scale…
  • I see nothing wrong with it. Seems standard for Bret's recommendations for intermediate-advanced trained gen-pop.
  • Are you using keto for medical reasons or for fat loss? If it's for fat loss, then: 1. Stop using % to hit macros. 2. Protein is the primary macro you should concentrate on and you should be hitting 0.8-1.0g per pound of lean body mass. If you don't know it, then ~1g per pound of your ideal body weight is a good start. 3.…
  • Anything born with a face is fair game to eat + fibrous vegetables and berries.