parkerpowerlift Member


  • December 16 Check-In: Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: Nope. December 17 Check-In: Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: 45 minutes of chest/arm super-sets (DB chest flies, curls, incline bench, flat bench, tricep work) and W2D1 of C25K for cardio.
  • Height 5' 7 SW: 250 GW: 185 12/2: 243.6 12/6 - 241.4 12/9 - 242.6 12/16 -242.2 12/23 - Just finished my TOM over the weekend. I'm starting to see some of the bloat drop off, but I'm still hanging out around the 242s. I still would love to get back to my pre-Thanksgiving weight of 240.4, lol, but without illness. I have to…
  • Okay, so I decided to weigh-in again today and I'm actually at 242 even for my current weight. I *really* want to get below 240 before the end of the month!
  • December 15 Check-In: Track: Yes Calories: Barely under, lol. Exercise: Nope. NSVs from last week; -1'' on my chest -1" on my hips -1" on my waist Soooo I just learned that I actually CAN access the community threads through the mobile app. I should have known better. I wasn't looking very hard in the past, but now that I…
  • parkerpowerlift Dec Week 3 SW: 250 PW: 242.6 CW: 242.2 After shark week, I'm amazed that I basically maintained. I was guilty of still checking my weight this last week, lol, which was dumb because I retain water like crazy. I should hopefully see a more accurate drop in weight over the next few days!
  • 12/13 Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: Noooo, lol. 12/14 Track: Yes Calories: barely under, lollll Exercise: conflicted because I did tons of house work but I wouldn’t have a good conscience counting that as calories burned, lolllll. Cleaning and Christmas shopping doesn’t count for me!
  • (UPDATED) 12/11/19 Track: Yes Calories: Currently no. Exercise: I was binging on some MFP blogs last night and saw some bodyweight strength movements that I could practice while my little one was asleep. Even though I'm a powerlifter, I still can't do full-on push-ups, ugh. So I did 5x10 modified push-ups and a set of…
  • 12/10/19 Track: Yes Calories: Wayyy over. Ugh, binged. Exercise: No 12/11/19 Track: Yes Calories: day hasn't ended yet. We'll see. Exercise: hopefully tonight
  • This is f'ing incredible, @Coach_Beth !!! You are a completely different person now!!! Amazing job! <3
  • That is super awesome! I love that you've kept up with Olympic lifting for this long while juggling being a parent! I just became a foster mom last month and I've struggled SO much with trying to navigate work/school/home/gym life!
  • Hey! I will try to keep this relatively short, haha, but I can try and give you a high-level description of the three strength training mediums: Powerlifting is a sport that focuses on three main compound movements: the barbell back squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. Powerlifting-style training involves progressive…
  • I cannot even begin to imagine just an ounce of what you've been going through. I am so, so sorry for these huge losses in your life, dear. This breaks my heart so much. I hope you can grant yourself some grace eventually. *massive hugs* Good luck in your endeavors.
  • Interesting perspective. You're not wrong. I honestly feel like I do not allow myself to partake in what should be no-brainer, every-day habits such as the above. This sounds like a great goal. I hope that you achieve it!
  • @VoicedJoy22 I normally don't bother weighing in around my cycle. It almost always spikes anywhere from 2-5+ lbs during. I really do know better, but I just can't help it. I've gotten into this habit of weighing daily. I just am scared that if I am not watching my weight on a regular basis, that I will get out of control…
  • Height 5' 7 SW: 250 GW: 185 12/2: 243.6 12/6 - 241.4 12/9 - 242.6 12/16 - 12/23 - *About to start my cycle, so I retain water weight super easily, ugh. I also lifted the other day for the first time in a hot minute, so my body also tends to retain water afterwards. I need to be really careful as to what I eat this week,…
  • parkerpowerlift Dec Week 2 SW: 250 PW: 243 CW: 242.6 Weighed in last night. About to start my cycle, so I retain water weight SUPER EASILY. :'( I was down to 241 at the end of last week, so I know it will drop off. Daily Post: 12/09 Monday Track: Yes Calories: Under! Exercise: Nope; had college finals last night. Daily…
  • Saturday, 12/7 Tracking: Yes Calories: I was under, not counting calories burned at the gym. Exercise: first day back at my barbell club in a long while. Worked on squats and bench for about 1.5 hours. Sunday, 12/8 Tracking: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: If you count walking around a large department store. Otherwise, no.…
  • Thanks for the reminder to check-in, @mmccloy12 ! Height 5' 7 SW: 250 GW: 185 12/2: 243.6 12/6 - 241.4 12/13 - 12/20 - 12/27 - I'm literally 1 lb away from pre-Thanksgiving weight, so I'm thankful for that. I do know that my cycle is due to start soon, so I'll have to force myself to stay off of the scale! I've been…
  • Thursday, 12/5 Tracking: Yes Calories: Over Exercise: No I know deep down that I really should only weigh myself maybe once a week. There are too many variables that can affect the scale. However, I have started to notice that I'm doing daily morning weigh-ins. I'm afraid that this is going to morph into an obsession.…
  • I totally feel you!!! This isn't my first time losing weight, but I'm starting all over again as if it's my first. I struggle with discipline as well. I had lost almost 10 lbs last month, but it was from being sick. I am normally lucky to lose 0.5 to 1 lb a week. My body gets really comfortable within a certain range and…
  • Daily post: 12/04/2019 Track: Yes Calories: Under Exercise: walked the dog Daily goal: had to take a 1/2 day at work. Right before I left my work had a local BBQ joint catered in for an anniversary luncheon. I had only had a cup of applesauce for breakfast yesterday, so I could allot for the food. Even with all of the…
  • If my partner dropped $2K+ on a freaking bike for me, I'd maybe be more pissed that they spent that much on a bike. But honestly, I'm sure it's safe to assume that she wanted the bike, FFS. This accusation is ridiculous. Lmao.
  • I'm super, super new to this challenge as well. I have struggled with navigating the internal sub-groups within the main community tab on my desktop, so I've had to provide delayed updates. If you want, you can either lump a few together from December 1-3 or you can just start fresh tomorrow! I might have missed what these…
  • Daily post: 12/03 Tuesday Track: yes Calories: currently under, but barely. Once I have dinner, I'll be over, ugh. Exercise: Walking dog Daily goal: consistent tracking of all meals, morsels, drinks, etc input into my mouth within 30 minutes of consumption. Get outside to get some LISS cardio going. Almost had to bring our…
  • Daily post: 12/02 Monday Track: yes Calories: Over Exercise: No Daily goal: consistent tracking and eating at home Daily Weight: 243
  • * Going through lesbian bed death and gaining almost 30 pounds since the start of my current relationship has me all up in my feelings and insecurities. * Reflecting on the physical and mental state that I was in with past partners, when I was almost 60 lbs lighter. And the embarrassment I'd have if people from my past saw…
  • I've been able to go up a notch on my belt and I've tracked my foods for 31 days as of today.
  • Hello! I'm Sarah and I am 26 years old. My highest weight officially logged in MFP has been 250, but I know that I've seen 255 during shark week a couple months ago. I'm a novice, competitive powerlifter from the midwest. I had once lost over 50 lbs during 2014-2015. I have unfortunately gained all 50 lbs, plus another 20+…
  • I'm in for December as well. I had just joined the November thread maybe 2-3 days ago, so I probably should have just held off, hahaha. Height 5' 7 SW: 250 CW 12/2: 243.6 GW: 185 December Goal: Get under 240.0 lbs; daily tracking; log for 60 consecutive days on MFP. Cook at least 6 out of 7 weekly dinners this month. I was…
  • Okay, so I probably should have waited until the December thread to start in this group. I was up a few pounds this weekend due to caloric intakes from the holidays and such. Weighed in at 243 this morning. Hoping to have the excess drop off as the week goes on.