I have read over the web that whey is the cheapest source of protein, but the way im calculating it, it doesn't add up. Take a look and correct me if im doing something wrong. Note: the prices are local, greece and the weight labels are in kgs.
Im a 22 year old male, weighting 157 lbs at 6 feet. Im pretty lean, probably around 7-9% measured with callipers. Anyway, im trying to gain lean muscle. I've figured out after trial and error that my maintenance is around 2350 cals. So i have upped it up to 2500 for a slow and steady muscle gain. Im following the 1g of…
So, im trying to build a bigger physique, gain weight in other words. However i want it to be a clean bulk. Anyway, my problem is that i don't know if i have calculated correctly my maintenance caloric intake. I mean im hungry most of the times when im supposed to be eating in a caloric surplus. Im a 21 year old 71 kg 1,79…
For example, im making french toast, and im using 10 gr of butter to grease the pan to avoid a sticky skillet, is it considered a calorie intake? Im asking for all kinds of stick helpers (vegetable oils, fats, sprays). :smile: