Extreme "Diet" failed and back to original weight--what do I do?
Okay, so I'm officially back to 41 kg (since I'm 149cm, that is pretty heavy), the trigger weight which led to my diet--the diet which led to Anorexia, and which eventually led to a Binge Eating Disorder. I lost 15 kg, and then I gained it all back by binging on at least 3000 kcal a day. And the thing is, I am STILL…
How do you tell if you are actually hungry or just greedy?
Hi, I was wondering how you tell whether you are simply having a craving (i.e. wanting to eat food even though you are full) or whether you are actually hungry (i.e. your body physiologically needs food)? Today for lunch I ate normal portions of noodles (carbs), veg (fibre) and fish (protein) for my main dish, then I ate A…
ED Recovery-Ruined my metabolism by restricting and exercising?
Hi, I recovered from Anorexia 5 months ago on a diet of 2500 kcal for 1 month and then 1200 kcal -1500 kcal for the subsequent months. I was 4 ft 11 inches and 52 lbs, and then I gained to 87 lbs (normal BMI of 18+ for my height). I come from a small-sized Asian family--my mom is 5 ft and 84 lbs and my sister is 5 ft 1 and…