My friend's mum dropped a dress size in two weeks just from cutting out butter. Have any of you guys found cutting out/cutting down on one certain thing from your diet to be super helpful in terms of weight loss? Bread? Sugar? Meat? Dairy? Cooking oil? Alcohol?
Right now I go to the gym once a week and do a dance class once a week. I'm planning to increase that to five gym sessions a week - 30 mins cardio and 20 mins strength training - for the next two months so that I start to see some real changes which will hopefully keep me motivated. I'm not an unhealthy weight for my…
I've heard some people swear by this rule but I don't know if there's any science to back it up. My boyfriend also wants to lose weight but he doesn't usually get in from work till 9pm or later and then I either cook or we order in. I wake up feeling bloated and I'm sure this is the cause, but in terms of actual weight…
Today I ended up crying in a changing room after trying on a pair of shorts. I'm sure a lot of you will have had the same experience. I'm sick of hating my body, so I've decided to really change my lifestyle as of today. I'm only in my early 30's and I can't stand the thought of hating my body so much that I can't wear…