When I came on this forum, many of you preached to me "a calorie is just a calorie" leading to self laothing, destruction, binging, unhappiness because no matter how hard I tried I couldnt combine the dopamine inducing junk food with healthy food, and I'll just leave this link here for any others sturggling…
has the daily protein you need decreased for anyone else? Before I never met my protein goal and now I'm over it a lot but eat kinda the same
Before I thought there was such a thing as clean eating only and if I messed up even a little, the entire day is ruined and my diet is done. At first I was super mad that all of you are so strict/flat out against clean eating especially when I am prone to binges from too much "dirty" eating. But now I love how direct you…
What do you guys do when there is no nutrition information available for things you're about to eat or someone cooked something for you using a lot of ingredients? I've denied things not knowing the calories before but I want to stop and want to know how others work through it
I always used fitnesspal and loved the app, I never even noticed a community aspect to it. I recently started reading a lot of the forums and lookig for motivation, etc. While I found great inspiration and good people I also noticed a lot of judgement and putting people down for their way of weight loss or their ideas. It…