Looking for IIFYM friends who lift.
If you're into powerlifting, bodybuilding, olympic lifting, or just like picking heavy things up and putting them down again, any of that Jazz, hit me up. If you bulk and cut, and/or do IIFYM that's a bonus; I'll click accept extra hard. I'm 29, from the UK. Been lifting on and off since I was a teen but started taking it…
What happens if I lower carbs and raise fat?
I currently have my fat intake set at 0.35g per lb of lbm. Protein at 1g per lb of lbm and the rest of my calorie intake is made up of carbs. I am sometimes finding this amount of fat to be quite restrictive in terms of what foods I can eat. It is probably my most restrictive macro at the moment and a lot of the treats…
Tofu scramble
Can anyone tell me how to season tofu scramble to make it nice? I had some in Germany a while ago and it was amazing, but I've never been able to come close to emulating it; mine are always a bit pants... What's the secret?
Training vs Nutrition discussion thread
Training vs Nutrition; both are important and work together in harmony. But is either one more important than the other? If so why? Just looking for opinions and discussion.
Any bodybuilders just starting out or coming back from a long break?
How are things going so far? I was just wondering if there was anyone else in a similar situation? After a break of about 8-9 years (I went from 180lbs, 12%BF down to 159lbs 26%BF) I've been slowly getting myself back into training and reintroducing my old (good) habits. I just started my first serious cut a few weeks ago…