Weekly Miles for a Half
After my recent thread on training for my half as a slow runner, the subject of weekly miles came up. I'm going to add a longer weekday run to the plan to bump up my miles for the last six weeks of my plan and was just curious . . . What is your goal range for weekly miles when training for a half?
I'm slow. Should I train for a half-marathon to time or distance?
I did 12 miles today in 3 hours. I expect my half-marathon time on October 23rd to be around the same 3-hour mark. The long runs remaining on my plan are 10, 12, 12, 10, 14, and 10 miles, but . . . a running coach I was speaking with suggested we only need to train up to the time we expect to finish in. Obviously, my brain…
Acting on Ketostix reading
I am on day 9 of low-carb. Daily total carb intake has been 147, 94, 72, 62, 49, 60, 130, 40. I just bought Ketostix yesterday. Last night about 30 mins after dinner it read "Trace 0.5 mmol/L." This morning's read "Moderate 4 mmol/L." I read somewhere in this vast soup of information that it is the morning reading that…
Potassium supplementation
I started low-carb on Monday and quickly was pointed to making sure I was getting enough electrolytes. I started drinking about 90-100 oz of water a day with 650 mg potassium chloride and 570 mg sodium and it has really helped. I've lost 3.5 pounds, my digestion is better than ever (despite no gallbladder), and the initial…
How many grams fit into low-carb and a billion other questions?
Hi all. Thanks for letting me join this group. The information on electrolytes already fixed my headache issue today. I am training for a half-marathon in October. I haven't tried going low-carb since my gallbladder was forcibly removed a few years ago. I've lost about 45 pounds and plateaued. I am hovering around 185…
Racing heart rate
I've started the Fitzgerald 80/20. There is great information for training, but I can't seem to find information on how to run the actual race. I have a 5K next month and a half at the end of October. I tend to get caught up with the crowd, start out too fast, and then the rest of the time I'm just trying to stay out of…
Scheduling Advice Needed
I am run/walking 4-5 days a week and doing strength/flexibility 2 days. My schedule follows. I had my lactate and VO2 max tested and the kinesiologist gave me zone targets. I am using zones 1 and 3 right now (Zone 1:139-154, Zone 3 max: 174; aerobic threshold: 154 bpm, lactate threshold: 172). For simplicity I'm calling…