Ok, I would like to believe my machine , i workout at level one, on fat burn, I am forty. The machine says I lose 250 calories in thirty mins. All the machines in my gym give the same read. Any opinions? Is this correct as per ur experience? In forty five mins it says 375 calories!
Hello, I have lost a few pounds only in the last six months. I have been doing gyming and yoga almost five days a week. Also weekly once yard work. Yard work and walking work wonders on my sugar levels. But even if I add a spoon of rice to my diet my numbers go up. My biggest challenge is a thick waist line. All the weight…
I use the elliptical forty mins daily. Off late I feel that my body has become stiff I am unable to do the sarvanga asana. And the plough pose. Does anybody agree?
I am logged in for any help I can get. I am a type II diabetic mom. Have been gyming for six months now. But seriously started tracking since September only. Thanks to my gym instructor, sandy, I discovered this site. I also do light yoga that I love. Love the community here, the discussions are helpful.
Will I loose weight if I eat only so much that my sugar levels do not touch 180 without meds. I have been at gym six months, with moderate success I eat less than 1600 calls five days a week. Yet very little loss. Do my diabetic successful friends have any thing to say?