Hey all, I used to be overweight but ive lost weight before, but at such a fast rate 5 years ago, i gained it alll back due to stress, (i stress eat lots). Now, I not only gaiend all the weight i workd hard to lose before, but on top of that have gaineed 100lbs more over the year. I am considered obese and have a severe…
Ive always had and still have been having problems with being lazy... thats why i stopped losing weight earlier and fell off track, now i want to come back to it but i dont want to make the same mistake. It's so hard to get myself to do it when i usually spend so much time with school i just want to relax and have time…
Wat i meant by my post is of course i want to be friends with everybody XD cuase it helps me motivate one another and see one anothers progress but i also want to find someone who i can actually talk to and become closer with, (someone with similar goals as me; 100~lbs to lose; in the 20s preferrbly? but anyone of course…
Hi all! I in need of losing ALOT of weight :( I went through lots of personal and fammily issues and busy school work causing me to not be able to fit in working out. Now I want to try to balance my life. I m going to try to cut off other things to work out. I wana lose weight before I graduate from college and feel good…