I have been in and out of this site for several years and each time I read these posts I don't know whether to laugh or cry. To me, losing weight or gaining weight is not about diets or what I drink or eat. It's more of a lifestyle change and you have to work hard to maintain it. But one thing I have learned, besides…
I love almonds and cashews and try to eat them every day. What nuts do you like? And I'm talking about the ones in the shells that grow on trees just so everyone understands :p
Has anyone used Creatine for a post weight work out supplement? If so have you seen any results? and what is you opinion on Creatine? Thx
I have a knot in my lower back the size of a quarter. I have tried cold compress, heat pads and self massage. This thing does want to go away and is causing me severe lower back pain. Anyone have any ideas for a remedy?
We'll it happened again! Woke up this morning and could hardly get out of bed with lower back pain. Almost 8 weeks working something similar to the Stronglifts 5x5 and I beleive due to inproper form WHAMY! Does anyone have any suggestions for alternate exercises while I try to recover from this injury?
I train an hour a day 6 days a week consisting of strength training and minimal cardio. I have a 500 caloric deficit I maintain and have lost 7 pounds in 6 weeks. What do you do? : )