Just wondering if anyone has tried the Bulletproof "diet"/coffee drinking/eating plan...and if you saw any positive results. Sincere responses only, please. Just curious and looking for information. Thanks.
Hi! As the title suggests, I am a homeschooling mama, trying to lose weight and get more fit! I have several children, and would like to be healthier for them, to enjoy life and be around to see my grandchildren. :) Not only is this life style super busy in itself--it is so hard to carve out time to focus on our own health…
Hi! As the title suggests, I am a homeschooling mama in my late 40's, trying to lose weight and get more fit! I have many children, and would like to be healthier for them, to enjoy life and be around to see my grandchildren. :) Not only is this life style super busy in itself--it is so hard to carve out time to focus on…
I would love to hear your suggestions for a great, but not time consuming, belly/fat melting abs work-out, or favorite abs exercises! I'm a SAHM in my late 40's. Have been losing weight successfully, but the belly is the main residual! Not necessarily interested in acquiring a 6-pack...but sure would like to get rid of the…