Busy Homeschooling Moms--Let's Get Healthy Together!

Hi! As the title suggests, I am a homeschooling mama, trying to lose weight and get more fit! I have several children, and would like to be healthier for them, to enjoy life and be around to see my grandchildren. :)
Not only is this life style super busy in itself--it is so hard to carve out time to focus on our own health as mama's--but then also now in my 40's, it is paired up with a much slower metabolism!! The weight loss process is not nearly as easy as in my 20's or 30's.
I started at 150 lb. in Dec 2014. Got down to 120 by the middle of Feb. Have been maintaining for about 2 months, but would like to really get down to business and finish losing the last 15 pounds!
I am hoping to meet some of you out there who can relate, so that we can spur one another on to actually achieving victory in this area! I'd welcome hearing about your weight loss/get-healthy journey, what has worked for you, daily challenges, homeschooling...or even favorite healthy recipes! Let's be sure to keep our posts positive and kind. <3
Have a super day! :)


  • sengalissa
    sengalissa Posts: 253 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    Hi! As the title suggests, I am a homeschooling mama, trying to lose weight and get more fit! I have several children, and would like to be healthier for them, to enjoy life and be around to see my grandchildren. :)
    Not only is this life style super busy in itself--it is so hard to carve out time to focus on our own health as mama's--but then also now in my 40's, it is paired up with a much slower metabolism!! The weight loss process is not nearly as easy as in my 20's or 30's.
    I started at 150 lb. in Dec 2014. Got down to 120 by the middle of Feb. Have been maintaining for about 2 months, but would like to really get down to business and finish losing the last 15 pounds!
    I am hoping to meet some of you out there who can relate, so that we can spur one another on to actually achieving victory in this area! I'd welcome hearing about your weight loss/get-healthy journey, what has worked for you, daily challenges, homeschooling...or even favorite healthy recipes! Let's be sure to keep our posts positive and kind. <3
    Have a super day! :)
    Here! I have 5, the youngest just turned 2, the oldest prepuperty (so grandchildren to get healthy for seem FAR away ;))
    I get up early to workout, then the 14h shift as a mom. I am typically in bed before my two older ones...
    Sometimes it is hard because I am preparing other people's food all day but right now I am riding it. I am at 127 and would like to go another 5lbs down. That's just for bikini season - my focus is strength training!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Nice to have you! Ours are age 18 down to 3, so grandchildren are a little bit more in view. :) Although for now, it will be nice to be able to climb and run around more w. the youngers!
    Yes, there are times when I just fix something else for my meal. Have a super day!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I'm 40 years old and have one 15 year old who I am homeschooling. We are pretty relaxed but homeschool year round.
    I have lost 20 pounds since mid-October. I want to lose about 30 more.
    I am very good about planning dinners for the whole month. I like to cook and most of our meals are from home. I don't cook breakfast though (just have yogurt or something easy) and lunch is typically a sandwich or leftovers.
    I pre-log my whole day of food the night before or in the morning.
    I often exercise in the evening after dinner... about 30 minutes. Dd sometimes joins me. I use dvd's, walk or do workout videos from you tube.
  • Ladunn4
    Ladunn4 Posts: 10 Member
    I have 2 middle schoolers I'm schooling with the aide of an online school. May I join?

    I have lost 14 lbs since January and would like to lose 11 more lbs. I try to exercise 4 times a week.

    I would love to hear your menu plans. I do a 30 day crockpot prep day every couple of months that really helps. All of the meals are lower on carbs, high on veggies and proteins.


  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Nice to meet you both!!
    I agree, Lounmoun, there are some wonderful times that pre-logging helps me also! For exercise I do some combo of a walk with weighted-arm exercises, or about 30 min of calisthenics or you-tube zumba...probably 5x/week average.

    And yes, Ladunn4, you can join, of course--welcome! :) I'd love to see a few crockpot recipes! I've gotten fairly boring in my approach...often it's throw in a frozen roaster chicken in the a.m., try to remember to season around lunch time and it's ready for dinner! Yes, I have moved in that direction also--lower carbs, and higher protein and veggies. Please share!

    Congrats to both of you on your pounds lost so far. We should post our progress once in a while to make sure we are maintaining some forward momentum :) .
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I homeschool my two girls, too. We're part of a secular co-op here in town, and I'm on the board of directors, so we're always on the go. I often joke that we live out of the back of our car.

    I've lost 77 pounds so far, with about 6 left to go until I reassess my weight related goals.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I'm a mom of 3. My older 2 are doing online school and my youngest is 2. I work tues nights and on the weekends. We are always doing something. I cook about 95% of our meals. And my husband makes easy things when I'm at work. I workout during the day, and get house work done in the evenings. It's hard but I wouldn't change a thing!!
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    HSing WAHM of 4 (3, 7, 9, 12 plus schooling an extra 12yr old)...ive lost 42lbs since Christmas with 52-67 more to go. Ran my first Ragnar this month, Disney half in September, and maybe 2 more Ragnars this year to come.

    I run my own soapmaking business out of my home, kids in rodeo, violin, and culinary...my house suffers the most, but oh well lol.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Nice to meet you all! Sounds like you are all really working on the health and weight loss--Super!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Say, Ladunn4, if you're out there, please do share some of your favorite crockpot recipes--that would be great! I got in a nice walk today, just in time before it got incredibly cloudy now. YAY! This time of year is so hard with the beautiful weather--torn between finishing the school work and just escaping to the sunny yard!!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    It is a nice day here but I exercised inside. Dd and I did the Just Dance games for our Wii today.
    I'm on my own for dinner tonight so I am eating leftovers and a salad.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Today was a bit of an eating day--oops. So, I'd like to hit it hard for the next 2 days at least!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Today is starting well. How are some of you others doing? Another beautiful day and I hope to get outside!!
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    It's great here!!! It's so nice today that I kicked my kiddos outside for a spell.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    My girls gave me their germs, so I'm hibernating in bed. Which means we missed a field trip this morning and archery lessons this afternoon :(

    They are in choir and are performing at a hockey game tonight (the National Anthem), so I have to shake it off and get up in a few hours.
  • bshrom
    bshrom Posts: 71 Member
    Hey ladies ! Homeschooling mama of a 5th and 2nd grader! I've been doing things pretty much on my own would love to join you all getting healthy :)
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm not a mom, I'm a school teacher.... I found that moving around helps me a lot and my students...Sometimes teaching is the best workout....I love seeing mothers involved with their children's education, your choice is one of the biggest acts of love you can do.

    I just wanted to say that to all of you :)
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Hey, thank you, pili90. It is definitely a choice!! :)
    Welcome bshrom! :)
    Hope you were able to get to the hockey game, virgo. Yeah, germs aren't fun.
    So--today was great re: food/cals. Totally didn't get in the exercise unless you count re-planting my garden seedings! Tomorrow's another day.
    What are some of your goals, all?
  • myliljunebugs
    myliljunebugs Posts: 18 Member
    I homeschool my kiddos, aged 12 and 7th grade, and aged 9 and 3rd grade. The older one is a boy and the younger is a girl. My boy is in baseball and swim right now and my daughter is a competitive gymnast (so 8 hours a week, eesh). So that is 4 days of swim, 3 days of gymnastics, and 2 days of baseball a week. A lot of it overlaps but between that and church we are literally gone all the time! It's crazy town over here. I feel like we school from the back seat most of the time :P

    Anyway, on my weight loss, I started out at 320lbs (yes I know, yikes), and am down to 214 now. While I've made a lot of progress, I still have a long way to go.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Super to hear from you, myliljunebugs! Yes, sounds like life is quite busy for you. What a fantastic accomplishment so far!! Congratulations! Hopefully we'll all be able to really encourage one another. Love it!
    Today, I am hoping to really get in my exercise coz I skipped yesterday after all.
    Happy Thursday!