Busy Homeschooling Moms--Let's Get Healthy Together!



  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    So, all of you, I'm sure you can relate to doing a bit of school out on the deck--spelling and grammar in the sun! Also got in a nice walk with the youngers at a little wetland boardwalk/marsh area, and played and actually swang with them at the playground instead of sitting fat and watching--Yay!
    I think I am down a pound in the last few days. How are you all doing?
  • Ladunn4
    Ladunn4 Posts: 10 Member
    The recipes I use are from a website blogger called Mixing with Michelle. I love that the crockpot recipes for the month also include a grocery list! We have liked the Cajun Shrimp and Chicken, the Moroccan beef, and the Curry Chicken. It just adds variety.

  • NikkiGrimes
    NikkiGrimes Posts: 4 Member
    Yeah for homeschooling mamas! I have four kiddos (1,6,7, and 10) and have been actively trying to lose weight since April 2. So far I've lost 10lbs! I want to get in shape so that I can enjoy outdoor activities with my family (hiking, biking, backpacking). I've been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's short but intense and fits in perfect with my lifestyle. I started at 160 and hope to get down to 135 by Christmas. Nice to meet you all!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Good to see so many other homeschool parents!
    My goals are to lose about 1 lb a week and increase my fitness level.

    We are off to a big flea market today. Lots of walking!
    We are grabbing fast food for lunch so I planned my choice out.
    I will probably be doing a bunch of yard work this weekend while the sun is shining.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Great ideas! Crockpot cooking, planning meals out ahead of time, some super exercise! Go, girls, go!
    I've heard so much about that 30-day shred...it just may be something I'll try, so I ordered it from the library.
    Congrats, Nikki, on losing 10 already!
    Thanks, Ladunn4, for the recipe site--I've got it bookmarked now. Have to admit, my "cooking" has gotten really boring coz I'm trying not to tempt myself. So, maybe I'll find something new and tasty AND healthy to make.
    Lounmoun, have fun at the fleamarket! Yesterday, I took my younger set to the playground, and for the first time I can remember, I felt small enough to climb around on the equipment and swing with them!
    Have a super day!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    The flea market was fun. We parked far away. Walked around browsing for an hour and did not buy delicious food or drinks from vendors. We did buy heavy planters which we had to carry back to the car. The walk back was super long compared to the walk there but I felt pretty good-not breathing hard, no pain, not lagging behind everyone. Last year we went and I was almost dying by the side of the road on the walk back to the car.
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Sounds great! Good for you, not buying food there. Sounds like good exercise.
    I have been getting outside, also. Went for a bike ride yesterday with my children--Yay!
  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! Homeschool mom of 2. One is a sophomore in high school but is taking classes at the college. I seem to spend a lot of time driving people around and very little time for myself! I try to work out in the am otherwise forget it. I do strength training about 3x a week and bike 1 or 2 times a week. And I try real hard to climb 1 time week. I have lost 10 lbs in the last year and am pushing hard to lose the last 8. Soooo hard!
  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    Sounds great! Good for you, not buying food there. Sounds like good exercise.
    I have been getting outside, also. Went for a bike ride yesterday with my children--Yay!

    Took my two daughters on a bike tour today! 32 miles. Thier first big ride. It was so much fun! Girls are sleeping now :-)
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    @camground2: That is an amazing bike ride! Good for you! What sort of college classes does your sophomore take? Yes, I agree, the last pounds are hard to shed!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    This semester she is taking English comp and chemistry. Next semester she will take 12 credits. She wants to ski in the collegate nordic ski team.
  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    @camground2: That is an amazing bike ride! Good for you! What sort of college classes does your sophomore take? Yes, I agree, the last pounds are hard to shed!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!

    It was a great ride!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you are all enjoying nicer weather, exercise outside, etc!

    @camground2: Sounds like a busy schedule with a teen @ college classes. Does she enjoy it?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    It is cloudy/rainy this week so not the best weather here. I got out and mowed part of the lawn today.
    I pulled out a skirt that had been too tight and I'm wearing that now so that feels good.

    We are going out for lunch on Mother's day and I'm thinking about just not worrying about the calories much that day. I'll still log. Strangely I didn't feel like doing this for other holidays. I guess maybe I feel like I've earned a free day for a year of mothering a teenager. :D

  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    Hi everyone! Hope you are all enjoying nicer weather, exercise outside, etc!

    @camground2: Sounds like a busy schedule with a teen @ college classes. Does she enjoy it?

    Totally! She is a very driven young lady. My other daughter is a competitive rock climber. Between the two of them and s husband I am pretty busy
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Hi, everybody! I'm 46 and home schooling a 4th & 1st grader. Been at the weight loss for about a month and a half total (including before MFP) and have lost about 10lbs so far. Also lost about 40 on a previous stint a couple of years ago. We're in a semi-rural area, and I cook virtually all of our meals at home. And I happen to collect recipes! ;)
    Kwfitgal- I was concerned about the 40s/metabolism thing, but the body is being pretty responsive so far :)
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    kwfitgal wrote: »
    So, all of you, I'm sure you can relate to doing a bit of school out on the deck--spelling and grammar in the sun! Also got in a nice walk with the youngers at a little wetland boardwalk/marsh area, and played and actually swang with them at the playground instead of sitting fat and watching--Yay!
    I think I am down a pound in the last few days. How are you all doing?

    My 6 year old has started doing this thing at the park where she pretends she's a dog running an agility course... and I have to be her competition! I am the slowest dog in the history of agility, but I did it and was so happy/sad when my daughter said, "I really like it when you come to the park instead of just Daddy!"

  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Hello all! Hope you all had nice Mother's Days!!
    As you can imagine, May is such a busy month with trying to wrap up the school year, and my first is graduating on top of that!
    I have been sort of on a sabbatical re: exact calorie counting. I am trying to make sure I have enough healthy fats which revs up fat burn of unhealthy fats. We'll see if it works!

    @try2again: Welcome!! Congrats on losing 10 so far! Yes, my first 30 went fast (3 months). It's the last 15 that are more stubborn for me, but hopefully you will have a different experience! :)
    Sounds like you are doing a good job adding activity to your days. I know it was fun for me to be able to climb around on playground equipment and ride bikes with the children for the first time in years!

    @camground2: You sound like you have a very motivated family--that's great!

    @lounmoun: Congrats on fitting into a smaller size skirt--that is such an awesome feeling!

    Happy monday to you all--it is a dreary cold rainy day here, so hopefully we'll get lots done!!! :)
  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    It is cloudy/rainy this week so not the best weather here. I got out and mowed part of the lawn today.
    I pulled out a skirt that had been too tight and I'm wearing that now so that feels good.

    We are going out for lunch on Mother's day and I'm thinking about just not worrying about the calories much that day. I'll still log. Strangely I didn't feel like doing this for other holidays. I guess maybe I feel like I've earned a free day for a year of mothering a teenager. :D

    Nice! I was challenged this weekend myself. Family went on a road trip so I had to eat out a lot! It is surprisingly difficult to get meals that are res