Looking for a mfp old-timer
Newer to the site- 50 something days that I have actually been using it. I have a decent amount of knowledge, though I likely still have a lot to learn (eg. still learning about the chem. process re: low-fat foods..that is a thing?). I am really lucky that I have made some good connections but I'd love to have one more…
Budget for either HRM or spin bike...
Hi, somewhat new here. I have 2 young kids and a husband that travels a lot. We live WAY out in the country. I do a combination of P90X, Insanity and running. I have been wishing for an alternative cardio workout that is quiet enough in my home, but I am also tired of guessing when I am in my HR zone, and calories spent. I…
Seeking friends to help me find balance
Hi, 15 days in to my second attempt to lose weight...this time with much more balance. Have read some of the posts for newbs and much appreciated. Would love both old-timers and other newbs or come-back-kids to help me find ways to achieve a realistic balance, one that can last a life time. I am educated, but I still have…
Working out of the home, single, or partners who travel...how do you do it?
I am new to the site, though I set up the profile months ago...just before I gave up. I am sure you all have discussed this before, but am wondering how you do it if you are working full time, single, or partnered but with someone who travels or is away a lot. I am interested in more than the logistics, though I saw a…