Just interested in seeing who else will be attending the Arnold Expo in Columbus this year? For anyone who goes feel free to come up and say hi if you see me wandering around. I'll be wearing Labrada Nutrition gear and likely have a back pack of goodies to give away to a few lucky individuals :)
Not that this isn't something we're (most of us) well aware of at this point, but I figured a little extra backing to link in threads and assist new members in understanding the facts of the matter couldn't hurt. Basically... Link ; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25646407 Pretty much, if you still think you have to…
I've always been an avid user of MFP, however I've just started venturing into the forum section of the site, and so far I'm really enjoying it. When I started my fitness journey I was a whopping 140lbs (soaking wet), and clueless with what I wanted or where I was going. However after seeing my first NPC Men's Physique…
Introduction It seems like there is never a shortage of new members in the forum seeking advice on this topic, with new threads daily. Given, there is PLENTY of great information available throughout the forum on the various aspects of this, I thought maybe it was time to go ahead and do a BASIC, to the point, guide on the…
I'd always been interested in the health & fitness lifestyle, but never truly dedicated myself to this journey. A couple half-hearted training sessions every week, not really knowing what to do with my diet other than what I'd read in 'Flex Magazine', and just an overall lack of effort had always left me wondering what I…