I am on a roller derby team and do crossfit. About a month ago during a roller derby practice I took a nasty fall. A skate right in the butt lol. Every since then when ever I exercise I get a pain that goes up the back of leg till my lower back. I've been to the doctor and they are pretty sure it's a pinched nerve. I've…
Hi! I'm new to fitness pal ( kinda) I downloaded this app about a year ago but never used. I have worked very hard to loose the weight that I wanted to loose. I still have a way to go so I'm looking for online friends for support. I think I will have more success if I have to be accountable on here. Nice to meet you all
I am a mom of four kids. I had my last baby in August of 2013. I love him so much and he is such a blessing. I would not trade him for anything but my pregnancy was tough. I developed Gestational Diabetes while I was pregnant. I gained close to seventy pounds. Six weeks after I gave birth I realized that I had only lost…
Hi I'm Cindy, I'm new to FP. I had a baby a little over a year ago and I had GD and gained a lot of weight. After I had my baby I started running and lost the weight that I wanted to loose. I am at a healthy weight now and have just finished my on ramp class into crossfit. I'm finding it really hard to stay motivated to do…
Hi I'm Cindy and I'm new to FP. Nice to meet you all :)