Due to my excessive weight gain over the last 3 months (20 pounds) for no reason, my doctor prescribed me Phentermine. Does anyone have any experience with the drug? I just took my first dose and feel like I have drank a Monster (I haven't touched the stuff in 3 years). Haven't felt jittery? I guess you would call it, in a…
Some of my favorites include: steamed broccoli with a pat (very small amount) of butter and a sprinkle (maybe a tsp) of parmasean cheese. Baked Asparagus Spears: Wash and dry your asparagus. Put a small amount of extra virgin olive oil in your hands and coat spears with oil. Add a sprinkle of sea salt and bake at 425 for…
Over the last two years I have gained weight. A lot of weight. 80 pounds of excess weight for no apparent reason. Last year I had surgery to remove a 3 pound cystic tumor which caused me to lose my right ovary and fallopian tube. Since that surgery, I have been packing on even more weight. I have tried cutting calories,…
Maybe it is just, me, I'm not sure. I am a foodie. I love food. I love everything about it. I would even go as far to say as I am addicted to food. Which has lead me to gain 40+ pounds in the last two years. I have done everything: diet pills, calorie counting, starving myself (worked in high school!) but nothing seems to…