Fitbit Sync
Is anyone else having trouble with their Fitbit syncing to MFP?
What's everyone up to right now?
I'm sat in work on a very quiet Friday!
Are you a Netflix addict?
"My name is Emily and I am addicted to Netflix." Lol! Can't get enough of it!!
££ Bargain Buys ££
Tesco are selling 12pk boxes of 7up Free for £2!! Snapped up two boxes today. Feel free to add any good offers or shopping advice bargain hunters!!
What's for dinner tonight?
So what's on the menu for everyone tonight? Quick dinner for us as it's been a busy day s we're having spaghetti bolognese with garlic bread
Sugar Free Recipes or Snacks?
Hi! I'm trying to cut down on sugar (like sweets and obvious sugars) and be good but cannot find any snacks to eat that don't taste bland or dry. Does anyone have any recipes for some yummy snacks? Thanks in advance