I just want to get some advice. I've seen some training plans for bike racing out there, and considering that I'm no professional, I've had to modify it for my lifestyle. Basically, I work out 6 days a week. 2-3 days I do interval training/weight lifting. 1-2 days I do yoga and spinning. I do 1 long bike ride or race 1…
Well, thought I'd give it a try and see if anyone races or wants to give me training tips. I raced last year at Cross Crusade, sustained a knee injury race 6, but was still absolutely addicted. I have 2 months before the season starts again. I currently commute 60 miles a week, plus do a 40-50 mile weekend ride. I've…
.......and I am friggin' lovin' it. So my choices are from a good source now, and I try to avoid any processed meats. The soy just didn't agree with me and I didn't agree with it. So my question is......recipes? I like chicken, and fish, and I also happen to have quite a bit of basil in the garden, just sayin'.