Girl Scout Cookies are Crack
Wells its that time of year Ladies and Gents. I remember on NM one of the big discussions each year that took place at this time is about the dreaded Girl Scout Cookiessss...... Well yesterday something happened that I haven't seen in a very very long time, 2 girl scouts selling cookies door to door. Now I live out in the…
Starting Over Again.
I've been on this site off and on for several years. However, recently I retired and have gained 25 lbs. I do have a Low Thyroid which does make it hard for me to lose weight, so I'm back to MFP to have some accountability and hopefully will lose those 25 lbs. Thanks for listening and I hope someone out there can help me.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2016!!!!
Just the other day I got to thinking about all the wonderful folks from NM and the Secrete Santa gift exchange. That was so much fun, Sheryl always trying to get people to open up the gifts as soon as they arrived, and me I was always one for waiting. I think the funiest one of all was when Sue sent Sheryl a package and…
Lose Weight or BP Meds Follow Up
Ok, so this morning was my follow up at the doctors, to check on my progress or as the doc said to check my homework. First off I had lost 7 pounds according to the doctors scale -YEAH ME!!!! :) Then off to the exam room, temperature - normal, BP - 160 over 90 - WHAT!!!! that can't be right I told the nurse. So she checked…
Lose Weight or BP Meds?
Went to the Doc's this morning and of course my Blood Pressure is up for the 3 visit is a row. On the last visit he told me to exercise at least 30 min's a day for 4 days a week, Well I thought okay I can do that because I basically walk 30 min's weather permitting here at work. Plus I have been monitoring my BP for a few…
Changing Daily Nutritional Goals
I just found that you can change you Daily Nutritional Goals. On the top bar go to MY Home then on Goals, and there you are. You can change your Sodium allotment. I changed mine from what they where showing 2,300mg to 2,000mg and I am trying to adjust my Proteins and Fat percentages to where it is closer to being in the…
So many faces!!!!
It is so good to see so many faces that have come to this new site so that we can continue to encourage each other in our journey to stay healthy. The colors red and green will always remind me of Nutrimirror, it was an awesome place and will always be in my ♥ forever.