I'm not new to this site but I am new to the message board community. I've struggled with my weight all my life, but it especially got out of hand a few years ago when I was trying to stay in the closet and be in a heterosexual relationship. I had a very conservative upbringing and coming out was a frightening idea (yeah…
I recently moved and did not take my weight scale with me. Since then I've had to adapt to a new more active lifestyle that leaves less time for eating. I was also between jobs for a period of time so I did not immediately get a new scale because I haven't had the extra money. I've had a lot of success with counting my…
I've had respiratory and breathing issues my whole life that are likely both hereditary and weight related. My father has sarcoidosis and mild asthma and my doctor says I may have asthma and has prescribed me an inhaler for now. I feel like these issues are the biggest obstacle for me doing some of the more vigorous…