
I've had respiratory and breathing issues my whole life that are likely both hereditary and weight related. My father has sarcoidosis and mild asthma and my doctor says I may have asthma and has prescribed me an inhaler for now. I feel like these issues are the biggest obstacle for me doing some of the more vigorous exercises that I want to do. Even at my lightest weight you could hear my really loud breathing in my kung fu class above everyone else. I took a hiatus from kung fu and tried to come back a couple of years ago and would cough constantly even hours after class and hyperventilated a couple of times. I can do most intermmediate at-home workouts just fine even when there is moderate cardio but I really want to be able to do more with my body. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


  • CalistaBruno
    CalistaBruno Posts: 34 Member
    I also have asthma, but I've found that if I take Ventolin a half-hour before doing vigorous exercise (like running), the asthma attack doesn't occur. The more in shape I get, the less asthma attacks I get during exercise. Cold weather and synthetic scents make my asthma worse, so I try to exercise out of those environments.