Is anyone here doing the 21 day fix from Beachbody??
I am doing P90X right now and I want to achieve my goals of toning up and losing weight. I want to start running but the problem is, I'm not good at it. I can jog for like 2 sec and I'm already out of breath. I don't know what it is but I have never really been able to run without getting serious cramps. I have recently…
I am SO tired of drinking water. It seems like lately I have to make myself drink it. I have tried using the crystal light packets, but after a while I also get sick of them as well. I love coke, but I have not had one in weeks!! I refuse to drink anything DIET bc its not good for you and even though its a "diet" anything,…
Tomorrow is my husband's birthday and every year since we have been married ((7 yrs)) I have always made him a cake. The problem now is we have both started doing P90X and started eating a LOT healthier. Sweet things are my down fall and I really would love to still make him a cake that is "healthy." Any one have any ideas…
Okay so as I am reading a variety of different posts on here, I keep seeing people writing BUMP? Umm what does this mean?? Created by - Free Calorie Counter
I actually downloaded this APP a few months ago and forgot all about it. I recently have started working out and thought maybe I should use this as it will be a very useful tool through out my process of losing weight and getting into the best shape of my life. So with all that being said, HI everyone!