I was doing good with my diet and exercise and was feeling great until about 9 months ago and I gained 20-25 pound back. Now I want to get back down to that weight or under by then for my birthday party. But I don't know if that is healthy to lose that much so fast. Or can I lose more by that time?
I'm going to start a 20 week challenge to lose as much weight as possible. Instead of just working with this app I'm going to keep a notebook of what foods I ate and what the calories I took in, plus what exercises I did and how many calories I burned. I'm going to try to start taking measurements once a week (something I…
I just joined a gym a few days ago and I don't even know what to do lol. I get on the bike for about 5 minutes to get my heart rate up. I do arms one day and core and legs the other day (alternating days). I set the weight on the machines so its not to much but not to less just comfortable enough to lift without hurting…
I have a few friends on here who are AMAZING! Trying to find some more Amazing people to help motivate and support me to lose the weight I need to lose! Any takers?
So yesterday I cooked a recipe called "bubble up pizza casserole" well the first time I typed in the ingredients it told me it had a little over 150 calories a serving so of course I made it. When I went back to put it in it decided to say it was over 1150 calories a serving. Stupid me ate 2 servings of it and totally went…
I just join this site about 4 days ago. I'm doing good just confused. If I exercise and it gives me calories back can I eat extra calories or should I just eat regular and let the calories add back up?