Looking for friends doing Keto,just started and could really use some help with food ideas.Also wondering if 50 grams of carbs is too much.Thanks
Hello, I’ve recently been diagnosed with NAFLD due to hemochromatosis,and honestly being a chocolate junky.I have a lot of questions in regards to whether I should go keto or Mediterranean or low fat for healing the liver. As well if there is a good macro guideline for it as well. Thank you
Wondering if my metabolism will slow down if I decrease my intake to 900-1000 per day.
I have been exercising for about a month,3 days a week I burn 350-400 cardio,and 2 days a week I burn 800 cal through cardio.I haven't logged my food intake but I know I am not over 1200 cal per day.I haven't lost any weight instead I have gained and I continually keep gaining.I am feeling so discouraged and depressed.Any…
Looking to find others who are on a weight loss journey to share tips and ideas on toning weight loss and friendship