Not losing but gaining

I have been exercising for about a month,3 days a week I burn 350-400 cardio,and 2 days a week I burn 800 cal through cardio.I haven't logged my food intake but I know I am not over 1200 cal per day.I haven't lost any weight instead I have gained and I continually keep gaining.I am feeling so discouraged and depressed.Any tips?I am 132.5 wanting to be 118.


  • stephchadz
    stephchadz Posts: 143 Member
    How do you know you aren't going over 1200 calories a day? If you aren't measuring your food on a food scale and logging it I don't see how you could possibly know how many calories you are eating.

    It is very likely you are eating more food and are not burning as many calories as you think.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    stephchadz wrote: »
    How do you know you aren't going over 1200 calories a day? If you aren't measuring your food on a food scale and logging it I don't see how you could possibly know how many calories you are eating.

    It is very likely you are eating more food and are not burning as many calories as you think.

    Same question. If you are not logging, you don't really know how many calories you are eating. If you are gaining weight, the results would seem to say you are eating more that you are using in a day, and that means it is far more likely you are not eating 1200 calories or less.

    In short, start logging consistently, every day, every thing you eat not matter how small. Then after a few weeks of that, if you are still gaining, at least you have a better idea on your calorie consumption than just an educated guess.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Christal80 wrote: »
    I have been exercising for about a month,3 days a week I burn 350-400 cardio,and 2 days a week I burn 800 cal through cardio.I haven't logged my food intake but I know I am not over 1200 cal per day.I haven't lost any weight instead I have gained and I continually keep gaining.I am feeling so discouraged and depressed.Any tips?I am 132.5 wanting to be 118.

    The two halves of this statement are contradictory, unless you are drastically undereating.

    Also, how tall are you? Depending on your height, 118 may not be realistic.
  • Chameleon80
    Chameleon80 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5"4. Thanks for the replies,I guess I will have to start logging.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    The other piece is exercise. Most folks not only underestimate their calorie intake, the over estimate their calorie burns. If you're getting your burn from the machine or from MFP, you're better off going with about half of that for the actual burn.
  • Chameleon80
    Chameleon80 Posts: 25 Member
    I go according to my heart rate monitor,I know the numbers on the equipment are always higher than my monitor.I have most likely underestimated my calorie intake:)Wish losing weight was just as easy as gaining.
  • lezerlies
    lezerlies Posts: 39 Member
    What kind of cardio are you doing that burns 800 cals?!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Christal80 wrote: »
    I go according to my heart rate monitor,I know the numbers on the equipment are always higher than my monitor.I have most likely underestimated my calorie intake:)Wish losing weight was just as easy as gaining.

    Don't we all! :)
  • Chameleon80
    Chameleon80 Posts: 25 Member
    lezerlies wrote: »
    What kind of cardio are you doing that burns 800 cals?!

    I do an hr and 40 min of cardio at the gym,running on the track,elliptical,ski machine,and another one I'm not sure what it's called.
  • Chameleon80
    Chameleon80 Posts: 25 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Christal80 wrote: »
    I go according to my heart rate monitor,I know the numbers on the equipment are always higher than my monitor.I have most likely underestimated my calorie intake:)Wish losing weight was just as easy as gaining.

    Don't we all! :)

    A girl to can only wish,Little weight lose humour
  • MelanieMarcher
    MelanieMarcher Posts: 1 Member
    In order to lose weight and burn fat, you will need 2 things: a healthy eating plan and some kind of activity that you enjoy. Although each of them are equally important, the bulk of your time should be devoted to a balanced diet. This means as much as 80% of your diet planning has to be on nutrition.
    Eating a healthy blend of foods with proteins, carbs and fats will help the body to process the intake much better and stoke the fat burning processes that are inside of everybody. Protein is especially good for building the kind of lean muscle tissue that burns excess calories and targets fat cells.
    You will also need an activity to accentuate the diet plan. It can be anything that will be done on a regular basis. Some of the most popular types are walking, swimming, biking, yoga or resistance training. Any of them will do and can complement the diet plan. Shoot for 1 pound per week maximum and this weight loss will be permanent.

    If you are interested in more facts on weight loss, this is my favourite site:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    If you're new to logging, you'll find some helpful posts in this MFP "Announcement" thread:

    Also, watch this video. It shows how important weighing your food correctly is.

    Congrats on the great exercise routine, and good luck!
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Christal80 wrote: »
    I go according to my heart rate monitor,I know the numbers on the equipment are always higher than my monitor.I have most likely underestimated my calorie intake:)Wish losing weight was just as easy as gaining.

    With your stats, you are already in the healthy weight range, and 118 is pretty close to the bottom of that range. Losing vanity lbs is sl-o-o-o-o-w, so making sure your data is correct is key. It took me over a year to lose @ 15 lbs, because I wasn't willing to go hungry, and to be honest, because I wasn't always as exact as I could be. So patience is going to be really important.

    You might also want to look at replacing some of the cardio with weight training. You might not have to lose that much weight to get the look you want, adding some muscle can make you look "tighter" without your scale weight changing that much. Hang in there :drinker:
  • m27un
    m27un Posts: 217 Member
    I do 4lbs a week. No drinking at all. 16 cups of lemon water per day. Lots of flax and chia seeds. 1 hour of intense interval cardio every second day. Weight training on in between days!

    1600 total calories for me per day!
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    edited February 2016
    m27un wrote: »
    I do 4lbs a week. No drinking at all. 16 cups of lemon water per day. Lots of flax and chia seeds. 1 hour of intense interval cardio every second day. Weight training on in between days!

    1600 total calories for me per day!
    1. Four pounds per week is ridiculous, especially for the OP at 5'4" and 132.5 pounds. The most she could push is two pounds per week, though that's not what I'm advising for her. I'm half an inch shorter than OP and I started at 139. I lost 2 pounds per week until I hit 121 then switched to 1 per week until I hit 118, then switched to half a pound because my body communicated that it was not happy with such a deficit anymore. OP doesn't need to burn out.

    2. 16 cups of lemon water per day is unnecessary. Lemon water is not a weight loss/fat burning miracle as some people believe. If you're just drinking it because you like the taste, I can tell you that all the acid from the lemons is ruining the enamel on your teeth unless you're rinsing your mouth out thoroughly after each glass and even then some damage will be done. OP doesn't need 16 cups of lemon water to see progress.
  • Chameleon80
    Chameleon80 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanx everyone for the positive insight,Started logging yesterday and it is crazy how calories add up.A real eye opener for me.I guess those random bites add up to something bigger at the end of the day
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    It is not any more difficult to lose "vanity pounds" than it is to lose, say 100 pounds. Eat at a deficit. Oh! And your calorie allowance needs to shrink once you start to lose weight. That's all.
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    It is not any more difficult to lose "vanity pounds" than it is to lose, say 100 pounds. Eat at a deficit. Oh! And your calorie allowance needs to shrink once you start to lose weight. That's all.

    Uh, having to lose 100 pounds is a lot easier than a few vanity pounds. People who have 100 pounds to lose don't have to be as tight with their logging, could probably forego a food scale, they have more calories to play with and they can be more flexible about their deficit range and diet. People who want to shed a few vanity pounds have a lot more to consider and they really have to be spot on. They also can't lose weight at the same rate because they are in danger of facing burnout due to malnutrition/restriction.
  • _Figgzie_
    _Figgzie_ Posts: 3,506 Member
    because you are already starting out very light at 132, every calorie in your case counts even more!! A 300 pound person can be loose with logging food and exercise but someone as small as yourself that is so close to goal really has to tighten it up! I know you're gonna kill it!
  • Labyrinthine93
    Labyrinthine93 Posts: 46 Member
    Honestly, if I were you, I'd start using a goal of .5lbs per week. You're pretty small.
    Of course, if you aren't weighing your food, you're going to be way off. Accuracy matters when you get as light as you are.