Everyone has different things that worked for them. What was your best core exercises for achieving your washboard abs?
I started my fitness journey at 190lbs 2 years ago. I shed 40 lbs in 4 months. I then started weight training and gained about 20 lbs. 5 months ago I decided I was too big and lost 7 lbs. Now, I am 164 in the mornings and 166 at night. Completely normal yes. BUT I have been back at it for 2 weeks trying to get down to a…
Show us your hair style! Definitely gets me a lot of weird looks in the ladies locker room at the gym!
I own a polar RC3 and I love that thing to death. I use it for every single workout whether I am doing long steady state, HIIT, or even strength training. I have seen a lot of people on here talk about its inaccuracy in strength training and HIIT. I am just curious to see your thoughts. The more sources, the merrier!