I'm looking for more people who will pop up in my feed with regular logging and updates. I don't care about likes, but I love updates and comments because it's really helpful to me to hear other people's stories. I'm 5'4", 39yo, and omnivorous/vegetarian-inclined. I exercise moderately and have no fitness goals. I've lost…
I'm short and carry my weight around my middle, more so after two pregnancies. I've lost 30 pounds so far, and am approaching the healthy BMI range (hurrah!). I get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise almost every day, and am generally healthy. However, my waist, while 6 inches smaller than before, is still over the…
Okay, emojis are fine. But I prefer words. About me: I have been overweight all of my adult life, mostly just due to lack of portion control. (I don't eat fast food, I don't drink juice or soda, I don't drink much alcohol. I don't eat much meat - I just eat too much of everything I eat.) I'm pretty skeptical and pragmatic.…