Hi all. A bit under seven weeks ago, I started using this MFP app. I'd just started on a healing path after a very long illness. I was 133 lbs at 6 feet tall. I got out of the shower and got on the scale this morning - I'm now at 146.8lbs! Huzzah! To those of you that offered support, I thank you very much! About 19 pounds…
Hello! I'm fairly new here and have been really enjoying the interaction with the community on these forums! That said, there are one or two people that I really don't wish to interact with at all. Very negative individuals. Is there anyway to block people so we don't have to interact with them at all? That would be…
Hi everyone. I just noticed this forum has hit the 4k mark in posts. Awesome! For the most part, you guys rock! Glad I found this app and the peer support.
Hello, everyone. I'm a 45 year old man. In the past 14 months, I've been having health issues. A bit over a year ago, I was 212lbs. I am now 137lbs. Have had stomach issues. The doctors assure me that the issue has finally been fixed, but I am left looking like a POW camp victim. I have to maintain a healthy, low fat diet.…
Hello, everyone. My name is Scott. Just started using this app the other day. So far, it seems like a great way to help gain healthy weight. I'm recovering from illness and down to 137lbs. I'm 6' tall. Hoping this helps by keeping track of my intake. Take care, all.