Gain weight back, should I be worry?
in my first week of working out, the scale went from 142 to 138. Yesterday wasn't my second weigh in (Thursday is) but I had an assessment and had to check my weight.. The scale said 142! Why did I gain weight back?? Should I be worried? It really upset me. I binged like crazy out of emotional eating. I worked so hard :'(
16 year old sister on diet + 1200 calories
my little sister just started dieting and joining the gym with me. I'm concerned for her. She has four pounds in a week doing cardio for about an hour a day. But she reports being dizzy and light headed A LOT. She's 5'3 and 140. She lost weight but for some reason today on the scale it showed 142. She's binging very bad…
How much weight can you lose in your first two weeks of HEALTHY dieting?
im 18, 5'3. I weighed 142 about a week ago and got on the scale to see 138 after a week. ( I logged that I only lost two pounds on myfitnesspal ). Anyways, I was wondering, by my next weigh in (I weigh in every week, so a week from now) could I go down to 135 or will it not be healthy? Last week I worked out and burned…