The Complete Cookie from Lenny and Larry's for a sugar and chocolate fix. Careful though 2 servings in a cookie
Is it the same, or what's the difference??
Still losing weight but I've been told not to lift weights because I'll build muscle over fat. Is that even possible? I just do Cardio for 45 to an hour. Would like to tone up
Had anyone done Shakeology, and is there anything else that can replace it? Like a do it at home kind of thing
What is a better option Ezekiel Sprouted Bread or Wraps ( gluten-free ) or are they one in the same
Is natural unrefined coconut sugar ok on a Clean Eating diet
Is it really better to go to Juice it Up or Jamba Juice? Some nutritional info is a bit scary. Please help with Info will be greatly appreciated :)
What are Macros? ?
Just getting started. Any recommendations would be appreciated