anyone know how to measure out spaghetti? it says 2 oz is 200 calories but how do you measure it. it says about 1/8 of the box but the box has been opened and used several times. any good guidelines?
is it ok to use sitting at work as a cardio exercise. you burn an average 55 calories an hour and i sit 8 hours a day so thats 440 calories burned. just don't know if i'm allowed to use it. is there a difference between cardio calories burned and regular non heart rate raising calories burned?
I have to say today the first time since Jan 6 when I started this I pretty much stuck to my 1200 calorie goal and did 1300 calories (maybe 1400 after a potato chip binge) and I am finally figuring out that if i cut out the 'small snacks" of mini candy and sugar i can stay in my range. I can do this. !!
been doing 100 pushups for 49 days in a row and 100 situps for 29 days in a row. Last night got home at 10:30 didn't do my pushups/situps for the day so got down and did them before it hit 12 midnight so it would count for the day.