What is the site where you set up your goal, and if you don't hit your goal you have to (optionally) pay money to a fundraiser you don't like?
I am currently at 135 lbs. I am 5' 6" tall, and have a waist of 27 in. My hips are 37.5 in., my forearm is 9.4 in., and my wrist is 5.875 in. My BFI is 25.78%. My goal (currently) is to get down to 125 lbs. and reduce my BFI to 24.95%. Is this goal unrealistic? (Like should I get down to 120 lbs. or something like that.) I…
So I'm 5' 6" girl, I weigh 134 and have a body fat percent of 25.78%. I eat 1470 cals a day and do Figueraerobics/30 Day Shred 5 times a week. Should I lose weight down to 126-128 before starting to recomp/bulk, or should I start lifting heavy and bulking now?
I do core about 4 times a week but a leg injury (and lack of motivation) made me quit core exercise for about 1 1/2 weeks. when I went back to the workout, I started to get these groin spasms (almost like labor pulses right around the hole that a baby comes out of [for lack of a better word, and BTW I'm not pregnant) about…