in the last week I slow watched the man who too me in as a son three decades ago slip into brain damage induced coma and die. I've lost people I thought were close friends and I hit rock bottom in many ways. But today I'm letting go and starting over. I'm committing to be better for myself and not let baggage or toxic…
Someone gives you soulcrushing news/opinion/etc that throws you a loop you can't focus on your diet? Taken me several days to get back on the horse but hard to focus on the the little things.
If you have questions let me help you find the answers.
Fiber is awesome. If you have not discovered what fiber can do for your weight the "regularity" is a nice bonus. So what is fiber? Fiber is component youre body can't breakdown for DIRECT calorie usaged. Thats not to say fiber is calorie free, far from it. In fact some fiber has as much as 2 calories a gram! So lets talk…
After a long stall I let it go today for a rampage of pizza, candy, cookies, the works. I feel sick bloated and full of self loathing. And not a single calorie made me feel 39 ^_^ But I'm slimmer, healther now than i've ever been in the previous 40 years. Heres to those of us dedicated to making the second half of our…
Lost alot already but looking for a friend to discussion nutrition, support, and generally talk each other off the ledge. Prefer a female friend as tired of the meathead crowd. Married, not looking to pickup any side action here ^_^ If local in grapevine/lewisville/flower mound area but remote is fine too.