Looking to add friends.. For diet sharing.
Hi, I'm looking to add friends to my feed with open diets, I'm interested to see how people structure their diets and also to get meal ideas as I tend to eat a lot of the same things. I'm currently following the Leangains diet (16-8) with plenty of protein, I try to keep it healthy. Im trying to build muscle and lose fat.…
Looking for friends.. to snoop on diets :D
Hi.. I'm looking to add friends, predominantly people who are trying to add muscle and lose fat. It'd be good to find some people who also utilise a high protein diet for new meal ideas and to see how people structure their diets. My diary is open to friends so feel free to add :D
Steak fat trimming question
Hi, I just have a quick question about steak.. I've scanned in a steak to my app, it comes in at around 700 cals, would that calorie total include the massive chunk of fat around the edge? So I guess my question is if I trimmed off the excess fat would the calorie content come in significantly less than 700? Thanks in…