Rockin' Body Workout?
Hey everyone! I signed up for the free trial of Beachbody on Demand and I'm liking the look of the Rockin' Body plan. I'm pairing it with the 21 Day Fix eating plan. Is anyone interested in joining me? I need accountability partners. I tend to start and stop and then eventually give up. Any takers??
Gaining Weight?
I started increasing my activity and decreasing my calories about a week ago. In that time, I've met my ten thousand step goal each day, plus have gone to the gym three times. The problem is, I've actually gained almost 5 lbs. I understand the whole muscle weighs more than fat concept, I just refuse to believe that I've…
Hello All!
Hello all! I guess this is the place to start, eh? (I bet you can't tell where I'm from, now, can you?) I am a 45 (next month) year old Mom of two with an insanely sedentary job. I work from home, remote from our corporate offices, 60-70 hours per week. Because I'm sitting a minimum of 10 hours a day, well, you can just…