Still fighting with this idea Dr wants me to eat 1- 4 oz portion of protein and 1 cup of vegetables 3 times a day no grains, no starches, no sodas, I can substitute 1/2 cup fruit for 1 cup of vegetables once a day
according to the site I should eat 2750 calories a day How can I lose weight? I have been averaging 14-1800 calories the last 2 weeks. I am thinking of going up to 2000 calories and concentrating on getting my 170 g of protein and 30 g of fiber and keep carbs under 120 g What do you think I am 53 years old 333 pounds and…
I am 53 year old man weighing 333 lbs I have been eating 1400 calories for 3 weeks while on a weight loss pill. I lost some weight initially then gained half back but have not lost anymore. I have now started walking and doing some weights. is 1400 calories to much or to little I do not understand
My name is Alan, I have been put on supervised weight loss. Prescribed Qsymia I weigh 335 right now When I saw the dr last monday I weighed 346 and got as low as 328 So lost 18 then gained 7 I am going to need help and advice. I am also diabetic