Fitbit calorie Burn Correct?
Hey fitness family, I am trying to lose weight and I have a Fitbit. I go to the gym for 30 mins a day (approximately). Then myfiyness pal & Fitbit said I burned 800 calories (based on my exercise & steps for the day) and is it correct? Did I really burn those calories? Is it correct?
Weight Loss Supplements
Hey I'm no noob to fitness however I have a question. Do some weight loss supplements actually work without side effects. I not want to die early lol. If so, what are they called? What do they contain.
Do I even have to exercise?
I follow fitness pay by eating 1400 and do I even have to exercise to lose weight? And which matters more calories or carbs? I follow calories to a T however I tend to go over on carbs every day, is that ok?