Good diet for one on a budget
I have just moved to Oxford as a nurse. I'm used to having a very good and healthy diet for an average price back in the Midlands. I am surrounded by high cost supermarkets and they are my only option for fresh produce at the moment. I am also used to cooking for my Dad and me so making food go further for my money. I'm…
new job, new city.... hopefully no binging
I'm relocating for a new job. As a nurse. I'll be living with new people and I'm soooo worried that out of need to socialise and get to know new people/friends I'll be out all the time for 'drinks' and food. I'm really bad at having self restraint when in restaurants etc... just worked hard to get to my goal weight, I'm…
fell off the waggon!
Got to my goal weight and keep binging. Having difficulty keeping at my goal weight! Relocating for a new job, so I'm afraid I'll get worse with my dirt trying to socialise etc