That anxious panicky feeling of being hungry. But proud to have begun. Journalling instead of tv a good plan. Keep it real and congratulations! PS: 1260 cal day is not enough for me. I need to have at least 1600 to cope.
Newbie yesterday
OK, so TV + snack combo is my biggest hurdle. Once again same pattern last night. Reminds me of my smoking days with the coffee + cigarette combo. I'm the combo kid. Time to take up reading at night instead. Wishing you all a healthy day (and if not, a non judgmental of self day!) Purple Bliss
Newbie who eats for comfort
Hi folks. I eat and do the TV combo thing at night. I don't want to deprive myself but rather learn to check in here with posts to keep it real. This tendency to numb out is a looonnng time habit. My goal is compassion without judgement. You'll be hearing more from me! Have a good day everyone:_)