Once again I have let life derail my weight loss efforts. I need to get back on track with a goal of one pound per week
I am having trouble staying within calories. Is there anything that is good on oatmeal with fewer calories than butter?
I have a few months coming up that will require dinner meetings immediately after work where pizza is the only food option. I know I will not be able to avoid eating pizza so I need to only have 600 calories before dinner. I really need help figuring out how to do this.
Just wondering if there are other women here also struggling like me.
I will be attending 4 day conference and every meal will be a lunch or dinner meeting at the hotel. Lunch will be buffet but dinner will be plated. Is it better calorie wise to ask for vegetarian meals? Not sure how to handle this
I am finding it hard to make quick low calorie meals that do not leave me feeling hungry as soon as I am finished cleaning the kitchen. Tonight I made salmon on the george forman grill with baked sweet potatoes. Maybe some of you who do not find it so difficult can share your menus?
I did so well for 4 months and I don't know what happened. I just stopped trying. I am having a hard time getting back on the plan. I was not hungry or unhappy about dieting and I can't understand this. Has this happened to anyone else?
why do the calories that are listed vary so much? Example two scrambled eggs listed from 140 to 240?
i only ate two pieces of Friday night pizza istead of usual four