I'm 6'1", 175 body weight. And I am benching about the same as I can squat. Wtf. My 1RM on bench is 275 and for squat is 275-285. Trying to fix this. All help is welcome
my 1rm for squat and bench is both 275. I am desperately trying to increase my squat. I just changed to low bar.
when do you guys/gals think it's best to take creatine. I've been cycling creatine for awhile now, and I've always taken it post-workout. People say before, during, or half before and half after. Comments, go!
meal suggestions please. High protein, breakfast/lunch/dinner. Thanks fit fam
beyond tired of people who are shorter than 5'10" talking about squatting more than me. Am I wrong to? Am I really at a disadvantage going atg vs shorter people?
The basic bodybuilding layout for macros. 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat. I'm consuming 3,500 calories a day. But 350 grams of protein is way too much. Halp plz