Is it possible for me to have reached a weight loss plateau, even if I didn't work out in the beginning of my weight loss? What I mean is, I lost about 15 pounds at the end of the summer because I wasn't hungry and my appetite just decreased. I really don't know why but it did. Anyway, I tried to gain the weight back at…
I'm going to miami and I'll be drinking a lot and eating. Trying not to chase my alchol with any sugary drinks and not ordering any drinks from restaurants. Can anyone help me food and drinking wise?? I'll try to be as active as I possibly can, but it's so tempting!
It's been 8 weeks and I've been seeing no results. Strength training and HIIT and cardio, I eat healthy 75% of the time.i can eat like a pig and not gain any weight but when I restrict myself and exercise I don't lose weight in my stomach! My BFP (body fat)def went down but how come I don't see it in the mirror? The…