What do you do when a listed food shows wildly different calorie counts. I'm talking about base foods, not complex meals. For example, I decided to indulge and have 100g of homemade gnocchi. It was a relative's recipe and they couldn't tell me exactly what was in it although all recipes online are basically the same. But…
I'm roasting a chicken (I didn't add any oil to the bird) with carrots under the roasting pan. I'm going to eat the carrots/dripping as a side. But while I can find the calorie content of drippings (even though I imagine it must vary widely) I can't find out how much is produced from a roast. So if my chicken releases 4…
One of my go-to recipes is making turkey meatballs in homemade tomato sauce. But I cook the meatballs in the oven separately, and a lot of grease comes out of them. How do I account for that in the recipe calculations. I thought about putting cooked ground turkey instead of raw in the ingredients, but I'm pretty sure I…