Looking for friends to keep me logging in and motivated.
Hey, I'm looking for friends to help keep motivted. I'm a geeky, hypothyroid, powerlifting, rugby player. Based in Liverpool, UK. Feel free to drop me a message or add me!
How to eat before a match.
Hey, So I've been on a calorie deficit for a couple of months, but it's coming up to my first Rugby match of the season and I'm looking for some advice on how I should be eating to maximise energy. I've been eating 1410kcl a day max and trying to eat more protein. Should I increase this? And do I need to carb up? At the…
Recovery Advice After Mountain Climb
I climbed Ben Nevis on Sat and I'm still dealing with painful calves. I was hoping to get some advice on things I can do to speed up recovery, and if there is anything I can do to help prevent this. I think I have tight hamstrings, I'm not sure if this contributes to the problems. Thanks Kk.