Do you eat before or after you work out? And are any proteins or carbs preferred for either one? Any suggestions?
So I started dating this guy, very interested in him but just found out his age. He is 29, I am 37. Is he too young for me? Anyone here with a similar age gap in their relationship?
Ok so the past 2 days have been very difficult emotionally and I'm an emotional eater. I have been doing great on my diet, but I don't know how to deal well right now. I don't want to screw this all up. Please help
I am 6 weeks into my journey for an 85 lb. Weight loss and i am concerned about loose skin. I know that some loose skin is inevitable but i would like to do what i can to make it as minimal as possible. I am working out and know that will help, but figured there is no harm in trying this lotion as well. There is colagen…